Sydney Royal NSW Red Poll Judging Friday

  • 7 Apr 2023
  • 8:30 AM
  • 1 Showground Road, Sydney Olympic Park NSW 2127


Registration is closed

You are invited to attend the Red Poll Judging at Sydney 2023. After judging, morning tea will be served in the Cattle shed for the Judge, and all attending members and friends. Prize supporters: 

JUNIOR CHAMPION FEMALE  Garrick Mulcahy Babana Red Polls
RESERVE JUNIOR CHAMPION FEMALE  Letisha Salzke, Jackpot Red Polls
SENIOR CHAMPION FEMALE  RJ & SK Wilkinson, Baladeen Red Polls
RESERVE SENIOR CHAMPION FEMALE  Letisha Salzke, Jackpot Red Polls
GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE  Bill Coghlan Memorial. I & J Coghlan Eurumbla Red Polls
JUNIOR CHAMPION BULL  Trevor & Geradine Hill Ingleden Red Polls
SENIOR CHAMPION BULL  M&C Smith Belault Red Polls
RESERVE SENIOR CHAMPION BULL  A & C Couch, Nyalindee Red Polls
GRAND CHAMPION BULL Brigadier GS Hurst Perpetual Prize
MOST SUCCESSFUL EXHIBITOR Nick & Prue Lee Omega 3 Red Polls
JUNIOR HANDLER UNDER 25 YEARS Nick & Prue Lee Omega 3 Red Polls
BEST EXHIBIT Alex & Diana Cowlishaw

*Prize presenters will be the sponsors unless otherwise notified

GRAND CHAMPION BULL Brigadier GS Hurst Perpetual Prize

After judging, morning tea will be served in the Cattle shed for the Judge, and all attending members and friends. The ARPCBI NSW President will welcome everyone, award a couple more prizes and the Judge will be invited to say a few words.

To cap off the day and chew the cud of the mornings events the NSW Region invites everyone to lunch at 1:15pm at nearby venue (TBA).

Please ensure you rsvp (via the seperate invitation which will be sent in a few days - just click the YES button) to Alan as the restaurant will need to be notified of final numbers. (Lunch will be at your expense.)

Contacts are: Alan Couch to RSVP for lunch bookings – 0400187260 SMS with your name and numbers for RSVP ; Garrick Mulcahy, Shed Captain – 0418417899; Trevor Hill, Cattle Steward – 0429042979

We look forward to seeing as many Red Poll breeders, members and friends as possible. It’ll be a great opportunity to catch up with each other, share a few stories and see some excellent Red Poll cattle from around Australia.

We hope you can join us.

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