Change in Breed Administration

22 Jul 2023 7:57 AM | Alan Couch (Administrator)

We have been rationalising costs and services to increase cost effectiveness for our members and ensure the ongoing financial viability of ARPCBI. We also are trying to avoid a situation where increasing inflation poses us growing and unacceptable costs. The change means cost savings and service system improvements. As we move on though, we do thank ABRI for many years of great service from 1979 until 2023. We also thank Keryn and Sharon and their team for their able assistance over the last years.

The registry is core business for the ARPCBI and the database itself will now be maintained by HerdLogic. This means members can manage their breeding programs supported by HerdLogic with built in performance recording capabilities, composite breeding performance data and more. Red Poll herd data will be accessible on your mobile device via an application called Livestocked, or on a computer via the web.

The management of data and secretariat support will be done by Genetic Hub based in Wagga Wagga, and we look forward to a great working relationship with them. Genetic Hub provide these services for a number of other beef breeds in Australia.

Change means there will be a bit of a learning curve for us all. Members, registrar and executive will benefit by spending some time becoming familiar with the new systems. We will help with this by making information and explanatory videos available. This is one step in our strategy to make ARPCBI the most innovative breed society in Australia. As we succeed, other breeds may chose to adopt our approach. If so this will give us further economy of scale. This would be a significant initiative for the beef cattle industry if other breeds see the benefits of a better approach and choose to participate.

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